Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari and Nosferatu

We watched The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari in class. Watch Nosferatu on your own...you might want to watch it with the lights on.

German Expressionism was developed at a precarious time period in history. These two films present underlying issues that were taking place in Germany at the time. What are these issues and how are they presented cinematically? Include at least one quote from a reputable source (preferably the essays I handed out to you) and include evidence from the films to back up everything you say.

What specific innovations in film style were developed in these two films? Choose either Cabinet OR Nosferatu AND one film of your choice and compare the two films. Be specific and thorough and speak cinematically.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Extra Credit: Casablanca

Choose a cultural context through which to examine the film Casablanca. Give a brief overview/review of the film and then choose a scene and one cinematic element that you can use to look at that cultural context.

Examples of Cultural Context include:


Please refer to the handout for more description of Cultural Context.

Minimum: 1 paragraph